
Topic Version1Published09/11/2015
For StandardRESQML v2.0.1

Enumeration of the identity kinds for the element identities (ElementIdentity).


Data Type



External Reference

A set of (sub)representations is collocated if there is bijection between the simple elements of all of the participating (sub)representations. This definition implies there is the same number of simple elements.

NOTE: The geometric location of each set of simple elements mapped through the bijection is intended to be identical even if the numeric values of the associated geometries differ, i.e., due to loss of spatial resolution.

previous colocation

External Reference

The participating (sub)representations were collocated at some time in the geologic past—but not necessarily in the present day earth model.


External Reference

A set of (sub)representations is equivalent if there is a map giving an association between some of the simple topological elements of the participating (sub)representations.

previous equivalence

External Reference

The participating (sub)representations were equivalent at some time in the geologic past—but not necessarily in the present day earth model.