14.7.1 <Main Package> Topic Version1Published09/11/2015Topic Change HistoryFor StandardRESQML v2.0.1 IndexableElements Indexable elements for the different representations. The indexing of each element depends upon the specific representation. IdentityKind Enumeration of the identity kinds for the element identities (ElementIdentity). AbstractRepresentation The parent class of all specialized digital descriptions, which may provide a representation of a feature interpretation or a technical feature. It may be either of these: ElementIdentity Indicates the nature of the relationship between 2 or more representations, specifically if they are partially or totally identical. For possible types of relationships, see IdentityKind. ElementIndices Index into the indexable elements selected. Patch Set or range of one kind of topological element used to define part of a data object; this concept exists for grid and structural data objects. Patch1d A patch with a single 1D index count. PatchOfGeometry Indicates which patch of the representation has a new geometry. RedefinedGeometryRepresentation A representation derived from an existing representation by redefining its geometry. Example use cases include deformation of the geometry of an object, change of coordinate system, and change of time <=> depth. RepresentationIdentity Indicates the nature of the relationship between 2 or more representations, specifically if they are partially or totally identical. For possible types of relationships, see IdentityKind. RepresentationIdentitySet A collection of representation identities. RepresentationSetRepresentation The parent class of the framework representations. It is used to group together individual representations to represent a “bag” of representations. If the individual representations are all of the same, then you can indicate that the set is homogenous. SubRepresentation An ordered list of indexable elements and/or indexable element pairs of an existing representation. SubRepresentationPatch Each sub-representation patch has its own list of representation indices, drawn from the supporting representation.