14.5.18 BinaryContactInterpretationPart

Topic Version1Published09/11/2015
For StandardRESQML v2.0.1

The main class for data describing an opinion of the contact between two geologic feature-interpretations.

  • A contact interpretation between two surface geological boundaries is usually a line.
  • A contact interpretation between two volumes (rock feature-interpretation) is usually a surface.

This class allows you to build a formal sentence—in the pattern of subject-verb-direct object—which is used to describe the construction of a node, line, or surface contact. It is also possible to attach a primary and a secondary qualifier to the subject and to the direct object.

For more information, see the RESQML Technical Usage Guide.

For example, one contact interpretation can be described by a sentence such as:

The interpreted fault named F1 interp on its hanging wall side splits the interpreted horizon named H1 Interp on both its sides.

Subject = F1 Interp, with qualifier "hanging wall side"

Verb = splits

Direct Object = H1 Interp, with qualifier "on both sides"

Table 14.5.18-1 Attributes


Data Type




Data object reference (by UUID link) to a geologic feature-interpretation, which is the direct object of the sentence that defines how the contact was constructed.



Data object reference (by UUID link) to a geologic feature-interpretation, which is the subject of the sentence that defines how the contact was constructed.




Derived From: AbstractContactInterpretationPart

Derived Classes: (none)

Relationships: None